Legal notice
Cuillin Scottish Country Dancers
TGUS Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Straße 6
5020 Salzburg
Facebook: Cuillin Scottish Country Dancers
Instagram: Cuillin Scottish Country Dancers
YouTube: Cuillin Scottish Country Dancers
Cell phone: +43/660/7899664
Liability notice
The operator assumes no liability for the topicality and correctness of the content of the website. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. The operator of this website assumes no liability for this.
All rights reserved. All text and images and other information published here are subject to the copyright of "Cuillin Scottish Dancers". Their consent was obtained for images from third parties.
Logo and tartan: Katrin Edelmann
Website: Katrin Edelmann and Sonny Edelmann
Text: Katrin Edelmann
Graphic dance shoes: Dugly Art